01 PHP History 01 Php History
History of PHP
PHP was created in 1995 by Rasmus Lerdorf for his own personal website. By 1996 it was estimated that over 15,000 websites used PHP and that number only grew with time. People loved PHP for it's ability to interpret HTML data allowing the language to integrate well with what was already known.
PHP Environment
PHP was intened to be used in a web environment. PHP has the ability to provide web pages with dynamic content such as logins or anythings that requires server side response.
Usage of PHP on the Internet
Based on what I could find roughly 77% of all websites with serverside code. PHP is used so much due to many factors, a few contributing factors to PHP's success would be its ease of use/integration, its capability to be flexable with add ons and extensions, and finally due to its extense library.