Website Review of

Site Summary

The site I found was and the article I read was at the designation
Progressive enhanchments is a strategy of web design where the programmer focuses on the core content first then works on additional features and/or presentations.
This is important when looking at the functionability of a site. A site with alot of features and a great css design would be nothing if the core feature of the web page is not there. That is why progressive enchacement is so important. It ensures programmers focus on the core functionability of the site to ensure the end user gets the best experience.

Site Validation

The home page does not validate on When the main site, is run through the validator there are 30 errors just on the home page.
The second page I visited on this site also did not validate. had 6 errors and 39 warnings when run through the validator.

Personal Opinion


The design of the site is very simplistic. While this does give the site a clean look it's very bare with alot of white space. There is no navigation bar minus a menu button that will pull up a small navigation page, however, with a site this bare it might have worked better to have a larger banner at the top with the navigation bar listed there.
That all being said I'll give this site a 5 out of 10 for design. There is too much blank space.

Site Usability

The site is fully functional. Navigating the site seems to be a challenge as the navigation menu button they have does not really show all the options it should.
For site usability I give this site a 7 out of 10. Functional but hard to navigate.

Does This Site Fulfill its Purpose

On the home page of this site it states it's goal, to allow people to learn to code and earn ceritifications. The site goes beyond that and even has a Forum for people to ask question and discuss. The site also harbors a news section showing the latest news on programming techniques and languages.
I'd say that this site definatley meets the goal it was trying to set and adds alot of features to allow people trying to meet those goals to flourish.