Website Review of

Site Summary

The site URL and this is currently my favorite site. The design and elements used on just the front page alone gives off this futuristic vibe that alot of college sites don't have. The animations and layout of the site make it interesting even if it is only a university site.

Site Validation

The home page of the site does not validate.
On the home page there are 14 error and 10 warnings.
When checking the Alumni page there are again more validations issues.
This page fails the validation check with with 10 errors and 10 warnings.
That makes for a total of 24 errors and 20 warnings. Amazing that this thing still runs!

Personal Opinion


I may be a bit biased as this is the site for the school I graduated from but I feel the clean design along with the cool animations leave little to be desired here. Tabs are easy to find and are well categorized while having the most important information as prevalent as possible.
For design I would rate this site a 9 out of 10.

Site Usability

Like I stated earlier the site has a great sense of structure. Most tabs are sub-categorized allowing for easy navigation of the site from the home page and internal pages. Load times are fairly fast for the site.
For Usability I rate this site a 7 out of 10. It's good but definitely isn't the best.

Does This Site Fulfill its Purpose

This site is a beacon for all students attending this university. It allows them to signup for classes, access their current course load, and browse the campus bookstore easily from the home page.
For those who aren't students, it's sleek and futuristic look works to impress people into digging further into the site to see what the university has to offer.