Website Review of

Site Summary

W3 Schools is a site that promotes the learning of .net and application based programming languages. Here you can complete free self learning or pay to learn as part of a curriculum

Site Validation

When running the home page through a validation test at the site returns with 6 errors and 3 warnings. This would suggest that the home page of does not meet the W3C markup standards for HTML code.
When navigating to another part of the site, specifically, and running it through the W3C markup validation results in 12 errors.
In total, between the two web pages, there are 18 errors and 3 warnings.

Personal Opinion

Here I will give a score from 1 out of 10, with 1 being the worst and 10 the best, on the below topics


When talking about design of a website we would normally go over visual design and structural design.
In regards to visual design, the website has a theme that it sticks to throughout the mulitple pages I've gone through. The layout of the navigation is quite lengthy but still a solid way of cutting down on the amount of pages a site uses.
I give this site a 7 out of 10 for it's visual design.

Now in regards to the code structure, there are too many glaring issues to ignore. Out of two pages there were a total of 18 errors showing that there are some major issues with this HTML code. However, I've clicked through the site and found no broken links or major visual bugs.
I give this site a 5 out of 10 for it's structural design.

Site Usability

As I stated earlier I did click through the site some more than required and noticed no broken links and no visual issues. I was able to used the HTML editor the site linked to and was able to access the syntax reference directory for 8 programming languages.
I give this site an 8 out of 10 for it's site usability

Does This Site Fulfill its Purpose

As a training tool W3 Schools does do a great job at getting people new to programming a foot in the door. While the site may have some syntax issues, a normal users sees very little of this since there are little to no visual issues or broken links.
I objectively believe that this site does meet its purpose.